Virtual Receptionist Service
While research shows that virtual receptionist service is only used by about 20% of small businesses, it is part of a $2 billion dollar industry and many of the most successful small businesses use an answering service or virtual receptionist service. Not sure if your business could use a dedicated answering service? Read on — we’ve selected the following 6 recommendations to help you figure out how to get started.
Our agents are local, so they understand the community just as well as you do and are comfortable speaking to it. Plus, in addition to our local offices we have regional locations serving as backup.
While your day may be hectic, your callers will never know. Rely on our budget-friendly virtual answering service solutions to be the welcoming voice to help in the growth of your business.
A combination of friendly, articulate agents, exceptional training and premium technology working for your business.
Create Quiet Time
This is one of the most important needs of successful people. By creating quiet time, you create an environment where you can prioritize tasks. At least two hour blocks of quiet time are important in getting things done. If you’re going to really get things done, you need your customer calls handled for you while you are getting things done. If you’re concerned that certain important calls, like family, need to get through, you can let the Virtual Receptionist Service know to send those calls through.

Lose the Dependence on Voicemail
Research has shown that small business customers are looking for an immediate solution and don’t want to wait to leave a message. Like the creating quiet time, this is another strategic move that pays dividends. Further research has shown that up to 80% of customers will hang up and call a competitor instead of leaving a voicemail.
By having a live person answer the call, you improve your ability to generate leads and business by as much as 400%. Not only can you help more than one customer at a time, you can now have your customers inquiries managed 24 hours per day. Virtual receptionists have a significantly greater ability to get your customers to share their needs than voice mail. If you’re wrecked for time, set up an auto email follow up that provides your customers the keys to the next steps.
Provide 24/7 Availability
Today’s on demand world means people log in to get work done at the craziest hours. After hours virtual receptionist service is an excellent way to solve this business challenge. A small change in operations may lead to a greater sales close rate, but it may be possible to keep your life in balance because of sharing the workload. Because the customer can call 24 hours per day, several new prospective customers may select your business because of its availability. An added benefit would be utilizing our automated follow up messaging so your next conversation moves quickly to an order.

Save Money!
For most, maintaining an internal staff can be challenging, in which case a virtual receptionist service is a better choice. Our online tools and secure messaging will put more emphasis on the process and enable you to define the customer experience. Rather than covering for someone else, have a virtual receptionist cover for you. If you’re an experienced business leader, use the time for networking lunches instead of covering for your internal receptionist, and further increase your new sales by allowing more time to sell.
Why Wait? Get Started Today
In most cases, answering service programs can be set up within days and only require a brief set up call. When more complex protocols are required for multiple offices, Southwest Answering Service assigns an account manager to identify and manage the program requirements. In any case, we do the work for you to ensure a seamless transition for you and your team. It’s easy — get started today!
What Answering Service options are best for you?
- After hours answering service
- Security compliant messaging
- Virtual Receptionist
- Voicemail
- Call reporting
- Message Dispatch