Missed calls, voicemail boxes and customers patiently waiting during continuous ringing are a thing of the past. Consumers today expect immediate attention and access to the products and services they desire – any waiting or non-answer will result in a dropped call and lost business.
Instead of taking a chance with a non-performing recorded answering services, Southwest Answering Service provides a live, local professional receptionist to answer your incoming calls with a personalized message of your choice.
All our answering service agents are local, so they understand the community just as well as you do.
Never miss a caller. We answer our calls in under 20 seconds.
A combination of friendly, articulate agents, exceptional training and premium technology working for your business.
Live, Local Agents.
Our agents are all U.S.-based and local, so they understand the community just as well as you do and are comfortable speaking to it. From Southern California answering service locations in Placenta and Valencia down to our Texas location in San Antonio via offices in Arizona and Utah we have the Southwest covered. Plus, in addition to our local offices we have regional locations serving as backup just in case Mother Nature impacts services — your calls are covered at all times. Regardless of the size and nature of your program, you can expect each caller to be treated the way you want to be treated, day and night—that’s our golden rule.

Custom Fit To Your Business
Employing the highest-level technology and operational methods allows us to eliminate wasted resources. Our systems offer triple redundancy and all contacts are handled within our secure facilities. This means you can be sure of 100% quality control.
From HIPAA compliant medical answering service to after hours emergency answering service to a central messaging service, our local agents utilize the latest technology to answer, catalog and dispatch call and messaging protocols allowing Southwest Answering service to manage, in real time, updates to schedules, users, contact information and escalation procedures. Our agents maintain detailed documentation of all calls so you can view a history of interactions prior to responding to a contact request or message. So if you’re looking for corporate phone answering services, an after hours virtual receptionist or call center services for small business, Southwest Answering Service has the right solution for you.
Seamless Call Transition
Our answering service offers triple redundancy and all contacts are handled within our secure facilities, maintaining 100% quality control. You call answering services will be exceptional, and include:
- Customized message delivery to your preferred device – iPhone, Android or another smart phone device
- Ability to manage your schedules, users, contact information and escalation procedures – in real-time
- Detailed documentation and reporting of calls and call interactions prior you responding to a contact request
- Reliable 24/7 answering services – including escalation support for your critical path issue

Why Wait? Get Started Today
In most cases, answering service programs can be set up within days and only require a brief set up call. When more complex protocols are required for multiple offices, Southwest Answering Service assigns an account manager to identify and manage the program requirements. In any case, we do the work for you to ensure a seamless transition for you and your team. It’s easy — get started today!
What Answering Service options are best for you?
- After hours answering service
- Security compliant messaging
- Virtual Receptionist
- Voicemail
- Call reporting
- Message Dispatch