24 Hour Answering Service
At Southwest Answering Service, 24/7 live answering service coverage means more than a groggy on-call doctor reluctantly answering the phone, or an interactive voice response system picking up and directing calls to the proper voicemail. Our around-the-clock service ensures that real, cheerful, capable people are answering every call.
Keeping most businesses open 24 hours per day, seven days a week is not only impractical but also impossible. Just because your door can’t be open, doesn’t mean your phone lines can’t be. Rather than hiring 24-hour staff or exhausting your day staff with overnight on-call responsibilities, outsourcing after-hours calls is a smart and resourceful way to support your staff and care for your clients.
Giving your clients the ability to talk to a live person at any time of the day or night will set your office apart from the competition, providing the edge you need to succeed. Relying on voicemail can be challenging when some clients will choose to not leave message, even if their matter is urgent. This can unknowingly affect your customer service by creating a frustrated client with whom you’ve never even made contact. Using an after hours call center to support your business is the key to perpetual support.
Our top-quality customer service and secure telephone answering service provides you with the around-the-clock support you’ve been looking for.

Call Center Solutions For Your Business
Professional Call Answering with Local Knowledge and National Reach
Let Southwest Answering Service be your call center agent. We provide call center services to clients who want the capabilities of a large call center with the attention of a boutique shop. Our people, technology, size, and expertise set us head and shoulders above any other call center company in the industry.
Whether you’re a division of a Fortune 500 company that seeks to improve a specific customer interaction process or a mid-sized company looking to save money and improve quality on your outsourced call center operations, we fit your needs.
Why Wait? Get Started Today
In most cases, answering service programs can be set up within days and only require a brief set up call. When more complex protocols are required for multiple offices, Southwest Answering Service assigns an account manager to identify and manage the program requirements. In any case, we do the work for you to ensure a seamless transition for you and your team. It’s easy — get started today!
What Answering Service options are best for you?
- After hours answering service
- Security compliant messaging
- Virtual Receptionist
- Voicemail
- Call reporting
- Message Dispatch